FlyLady's Office in a Bag

FlyLady's Office in a Bag!!

Celebrating 10 years of keeping our paper clutter organized with our Office in a Bag!
Available in Black, Purple, Blue and Red. Please click on the picture below for details and to order.


FlyLady's Purple Office in a Bag

Completely Sold Out

FlyLady's Blue Office in a Bag

Completely Sold Out

FlyLady's Red Office in a Bag

Completely Sold Out

Also available with "My Control Journal"

The FlyLady Office in a Bag with My Control Journal.
Everything in one place when you need it.

Here is a what the Office in a Bag looks like when filled. CONTENTS NOT INCLUDED

Dear Friends,

For years I have used my version of our Office in a Bag. In it I kept my checkbook, pens, pencils, a colored pen for signing cards, greeting cards, thank you notes, my address book, postage stamps, a calculator, paper clips, a little stapler, a ruler, some graph paper, a hi-lighter, some pretty stationery, some plain paper and a little notebook paper. This was like having everything in a desk drawer with me at all times. I took it with me to work, so on my lunch hour; I could pay a bill, balance my check book, write a letter, send a card, make out a grocery list or plan my menus for next week. This little tool allowed me the flexibility to use tiny bits of time while I was waiting for football practice to end.

So let's fast forward to the present time. I used my version of the Office in a Bag for many years successfully; I even used it when I was my mother's guardian; to pay her bills, keep up with insurance papers, her medications and other information. After mother died, I put everything away and dismantled my Office in a Bag. I didn't think I needed to use it anymore. Robert and I had a place to put our bills; I adopted his habits when we married. We have a small house. Robert's office is in our basement. I don't have a place that I can call my office or a desk. I have my favorite chair and a couple of hotspots brewing on the tables on my left and right.

I am a SHE and I will always be a SHE; I need a place for my stuff too. My own little Office in a Bag with my favorite pens and things to do my correspondence; Since I don't have an office at the FLY Shop; I also need it to be portable so I can grab it and go when I need to spend several hours at the FLY Shop. So I have put together my Office in a Bag once again. It keeps me from procrastinating and taking a lot of time to just mail a card or a check. Or the best part it keeps me from running around the house looking for a pen, a stamp and the address; Parkinson's Law is not going to creep in and take over my life like the lady in Professor Parkinson book; Parkinson's Law.

We all have the stuff that goes in the Office in a Bag; We may have to hunt for it all over the house; this is why we did not include these things in the bag. The Office in a Bag is a purple canvas cover for a one inch three ring binder with a zipper pocket and other pockets to hold our stuff. We are SHEs and we love office supplies. We wanted to keep the price reasonable. We even priced the stuff to go in it, but decided to let go of our perfectionism and keep it simple.
